Referenser för Femicur Författare, artikel och publikation |
År |
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1. Abraham GE. Premenstrual tension. Year Book, Medical Publishers, Inc., USA, 1981. |
1981 |
2. Abraham GE. Nutritional factors in the etiology of the premenstrual tension syndromes. J Reprod Med 28: 446; 1983. |
1983 |
3. Abt K. Descriptive data analysis; a concept between confirmatory and exploratory data analysis. Meth Inform 26: 77-88; 1987. |
1987 |
4. Andersch B, Svensson A, Hansson L. Pre-eclampsia, hypertension and the premenstrual tension syndrome. Int J Gynaecol Obstet 32(2): 123-7, 1990. |
1990 |
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5. Andersch B, Hahn L. Progesterone treatment of premenstrual tension – a double blind study. J Psychosom Res 29(5): 489-93; 1985. |
1985 |
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6. Becker H. Unterdrückung der Prolaktin-Sekretion als ein Wirkprinzip eines Agnus castus-haltigen Kombinationsarzneimittels. TW Gynäkologie 6: 396-399; 1991. |
1991 |
7. Berger D. Vitex agnus castus: Unbedenklichkeit und Wirksamkeit beim Prämenstruellen Syndrom; Wirkprinzipen und Wirkmechanismen eines neu entwickelten Extraktes. PhD thesis, Basel, Switzerland, 1998. |
1998 |
8. Berger D, Burkard W, Schaffner, W Meier B. Rezeptorbindungsstudien mit Extrakten und daraus isolierten Substanzen. In: Meier B, Hoberg F, eds.: Agni-casti-fructus. Neue Erkenntnisse zur Qualität und Wirksamkeit. Z. Phytotherapie 20: 140-158; 1999. |
1999 |
9. Berger D, Schaffner W, Schrader E, Meier B, Brattstrom A. Efficacy of Vitex agnus L. extract Ze 440 in patients with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). Arch Gynecol Obstet 264: 150-153; 2000. |
2000 |
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10. Baca-Garcia E, Diaz-Sastre C, Ceverino A, Garcia Resa E, Oquendo MA, Saiz-Riz J, de Leon J: Premenstrual sytmptoms and luteal suicide attempts. Eur Arch Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 254(5): 326-9; 2004. |
2004 |
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11. Basoglu C, Cetin M, Semiz UB, Agargun MY, Ebrinc S. Premenstrual exacerbation and suicidal behavior in patients with panic disorder. Compr Psychiatry 41(2): 103-5; 2000. |
2000 |
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12. Bixo M, Allard P, Bäckström T et al.: Binding of [3H]paroxetine to serotonine uptake sites and of [3H]lysergic acid diethylamide to 5-HT2A receptors in platelets from women with premenstrual dysphoric disorder during gonadotropin releasing hormone treatment. Psychoneuroendocrinology 26, 551-64; 2001. |
2001 |
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13. Björn I, Bixo M, Nöjd KS et al.: The impact of different doses of medroxyprogesterone acetate on mood symptoms in sequential hormonal therapy. Gynecol Endocrinol 16, 1-8, 2002. |
2002 |
Hämta här |
14. Blumenthal M. German Federal Institute for Drugs and Medical Devices. Commission E. The complete German Commision E monographs: therapeutic guide to herbal medicines. Austin, TX. American Botanical Council, 1998. |
1998 |
15. Borenstein J, Chiou CF, Dean B, Wong J, Wade S: Estimating Direct and Indirect Costs of Premenstrual Syndrome. J Occup Environ Med 47(1): 26-33, 2005. |
2005 |
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16. Brown D. Vitex agnus castus clinical monograph. Quarterly Review of Natural Medicine 2: 111-121; 1994. |
1994 |
17. Brugisser R, Burkard W, Simmen U, Schaffner W. Untersuchungen an Opioid-Rezeptoren mit Vitex agnus-castus L. In: Meier B, Hoberg E, eds.: Agni-casti-fructus. Neue Erkenntnisse zur Qualität und Wirksamkeit. Z. Phytotherapie 20: 140-158; 1999. |
1999 |
18. Bäckström T, Andersson A, Andree L et al.: Pathogenesis in menstrual cycle-linked CNS disorders. Ann NY Acad Sci 1007, 42-53, 2003. |
2003 |
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19. Bäckström T, Andreen L, Birzniece V et al.: The role of hormones and hormonal treatments in premenstrual syndrome. CNS Drugs 17, 325-42, 2003. |
2003 |
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20. Böhnert KJ, Hahn G. Phytotherapie in Gynäkologie und Geburtshilfe: Vitex agnus castus (Keuschlamm). Erfahrungsheilkunde 39: 494-502; 1990. |
1990 |
21. Carroll BJ, Steiner M. The psychobiology of premenstrual dysphoria: the role of prolactin. Psychoneuroendocrinol 3: 171-180; 1978. |
1978 |
22. Casper RF, Powell AM. Premenstrual syndrome: documentation by a linear analog scale compared with two descriptive scales. Am J Obstet Gynecol 155: 862-867; 1986. |
1986 |
23. Christie S, Walker AF. Vitex agnus-castus L. 1. A review of its traditional and modern therapeutic use. 2. Current use from a survey of practitioners. Eur J Herbal Med 3: 29; 1998. |
1998 |
24. Christie S, Walker AF, Hicks SM et al.: Flavonoid supplement improves leg health and reduces fluid retention in pre-menopausal women in a double-blind, placebo-controlled study. Phytomedicine 11, 11-7; 2004. |
2004 |
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25. Chuong CJ, Coulam CB. Current views and the beta-endorphin hypothesis. In: Gies LH, Kase NG, Berkowith C, eds. The premenstrual syndromes. NewYork: Churchill Livingstone, pp. 75-95; 1988. |
1988 |
26. Coeugniet E. Das Prämenstruelle syndrom (PMS) und seine Behandlung. Ärztezeitschrift für Naturheilverfahren 9: 619-622; 1986. |
1986 |
27. Czygan FC, Mayer JG. Vitex agnus-castus L., der oder das Keuschlamm. Ein kulturhistorischer essay. Accessed online at www.klostermedizin.de/html/moenchspfeffer.html. |
28. Dietrich M, Hinney B, Link M, Kuhn W, Wuttke W. Latent Hyperprolactinemia as a cause of Mastodynia and Luteal Function Impairment. V:th Int. Congr. Prolactin. Abstract page 89, 1988. |
1988 |
29. Dittmar F, Böhnert K, Peeters M, et al. Premenstrual syndrome: treatment with a phytopharmaceutical. Therapiewoche Gynäkol 5: 60-68; 1992. |
1992 |
30. Dittmar FW, Loch EG, Wiesenauer M, eds. Naturheilverfahren in der Freauenheilkunde, 2nd ed. Stuttgart. Hippokrates Verlag, page 170, 1998. |
1998 |
31. Domoney CL, Vashisht A, Studd JW: Premenstrual syndrome and the use of alternative therapies. Ann NY Acad Sci 997, 320-40; 2003. |
2003 |
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32. Endicott J, McLaughlin TP, Grudzinski AN: Comparison of managed care charges among patients treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors for premenstrual dysphoric disorder. J Clin Psychiatry 64, 343-51; 2004. |
2004 |
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33. Eriksson E, Andersch B, Ho HP, Landen M, Sundblad C. Diagnosis and treatment of premenstrual dysphoria. J Clin Psychiatry 63, Suppl 7:16-23; 2002. |
2002 |
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34. Eriksson E, Andersch B, Hoi-Por H, Landén M, Sundblad C: Serotoninupptagshämmare ger snabb lindring vid premenstruell dysfori. Läkartidningen 98(34):3524-30; 2001. |
2001 |
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35. Eriksson E, Hedberg MA, Andersch B, Sundblad C. The serotonin reuptake inhibitor paroxetin is superior to the noradrenaline reuptake inhibitor maprotiline in the treatment of premenstrual syndrome. Neuropsychopharmacology 12(2): 167-76; 1995. |
1995 |
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36. Eriksson E, Alling C, Andersch B, Andersson K, Berggren U. Cerebrospinal fluid levels of monoamine metabolites. A preliminary study of their relation to menstrual cycle phase, sex steroids, and pituitary hormones in healthy women and in women with premenstrual syndrome. Neuropsychopharmacology 11(3): 201-13; 1994. |
1994 |
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37. Eriksson E, Sundblad C, Lisjo P, Modigh K, Andersch B. Serum levels of androgens are higher in women with premenstrual irritability and dysphoria than in controls. Psychoneuroendocrinology 17(2-3): 195-204; 1992. |
1992 |
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38. Feldmann, HU, Albrecht M, Lamertz M, Böhnert, KJ. Therapie bei Gelbkörperschwäche bzw. prämenstruellem Syndrom mit Vitex-agnus-castus-Tinktur. Sonderdruck aus Gyne 11: 1990. |
1990 |
39. Fikentscher H. Ätiologie, Diagnose und Therapie der Mastopathie und Mastodynie. Erfahrungen bei der Behandlung mit Mastodyn. Medizinische Klinik 72: 1327-1330: 1977. |
1977 |
40. Freeman EW, Rickels K, Sondheimer SJ et al.: Continuous or intermittent dosing with sertraline for patients with severe premenstrual syndrome or premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Am J Psychiatry 161:1511-6; 2004. |
2004 |
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41. Freeman EW. Premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder: definitions and diagnosis. Psychoneuroendocrinology 28, suppl. 3: 25-37, 2003. |
2003 |
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42. Gerhard I, Patek A, Monga B, Blank A, Gorkow C. Mastodyn bei weiblicher Sterilität. Komplementärmedizin 5: 272-278; 1998. |
1998 |
43. Gregl A. Die konservative Therapie der Mastopathie (Mastodynie). Die Medizinische Welt 30: 264-268; 1979. |
1979 |
44. Gregl A. Die konservative Therapie der Mastopathie. Die Medizinische Welt 36: 242-246; 1985. |
1985 |
45. Gold JH. Premenstrual dysphoric disorder. What is that? JAMA 278: 1024; 1997. |
1997 |
46. Hagers Handbuch der Pharm. Praxis: Vitex agnus-castus. 5. Auflage, Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, NewYork, pp. 1185-1198: 1995. |
1995 |
47. Halaska M, Raus K, Beles P, Martan A, Paithner KG. Treatment of cyclical mastodynia using an extract of Vitex agnus castus: results of a double-blind comparison with placebo. Ceska Gynekol 63: 388-392; 1998. |
1998 |
48. Halbreich U, Kahn LS. Treatment of premenstrual dysphoric disorder with luteal phase dosing of sertraline. Expert Opin Pharmacother 4(11):2065-78, 2003. |
2003 |
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49. Halbreich U, Borenstein J, Pearlstein T, Kahn LS. The prevalence, impairment, impact, and burden of premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMS/PMDD). Psychoneuroendocrinoligy 28, suppl. 3: 1-23, 2003. |
2003 |
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50. Halbreich U. The etiology, biology, and evolving pathology of premenstrual syndromes. Pxychoneuroendocrinology 28, suppl. 3:55-99; 2003. |
2003 |
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51. Hobbs C. The chaste tree. Vitex agnus castus. Pharm History 23: 19-24; 1991. |
1991 |
52. Hsiao CC, Liu CY, Hsiao MC: No correlation of depression and anxiety to plasma estrogen and progesterone levels in patients with premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Psychiatry Clin Neurosci 58(6): 595-9; 2004. |
2004 |
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53. Jarry H, Leonhardt S, Wuttke W, Behr B, Gorkow C. Agnus castus als dopaminerges Wirkprinzip in Mastodynon. Zeitschrift für Phytotherapie 12: 77-82; 1991. |
1991 |
54. Jarry H, Leonhardt S, Gorkow C, Wuttke W. In vitro prolactin but not LH and FSH release is inhibited by compounds in extracts of Agnus castus: direct evidence for a dopaminergic principle by the dopamine receptor assay. Exp Clin Endocrinol 102: 448-454; 1994. |
1994 |
55. Kartning T. Vitex agnus castus - Mönchspfeffer oder Keuschlamm. Zeitschrift für Phytotherapie 7: 119-122; 1986. |
1986 |
56. Kubista E, Müller G, Spona J. Behandlung der Mastopathie mit zyklischer Mastodynie: Klinische Ergebnisse und Hormonprofile. Gynäkologische Rundschau 26: 65-79; 1986. |
1986 |
57. Kustrak D, Kuftinec J, Blazevic N. The Composition of the essential Oil of Vitex agnus castus. Planta Medica 56: Suppl 1: A681; 1992 |
1992 |
58. Landen M, Eriksson O, Sundblad C, Andersch B, Naessen T, Eriksson E. Compounds with affinity for serotonergic receptors in the treatment of premenstrual dysphoria: a comparison of buspirone, nefazodone and placebo. Psychopharmacology (Berl). 155(3): 292-8; 2001. |
2001 |
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59. Lauritzen C, Reuter HD, Repges R, Böhnert KJ, Schmidt U. Treatment of premenstrual tension syndrome with Vitex angus castus. Controlled double-blind study versus pyridoxine. Phytomedicine 4: 183-189; 1997. |
1997 |
60. Levin AM. Premenstrual syndrome: a new concept in its pathogenesis and treatment. Med Hypotheses 62(1): 130-2; 2004. |
2004 |
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61. Liebl A. Behandlung des prämenstruellen Syndroms. TherapieWoche Gynäkologie 5: Heft 2; 1992. |
1992 |
62. Loch EG, Böhnert KJ, Peeters M, Schmidt U, Lamertz M. Die Behandlung von Blutungsstörungen mit Vitex agnus castus-Tinktur. Der Frauenarzt 32: 867-870; 1991. |
1991 |
63. Loch EG, Selle H, Boblitz N, Wüstenberg P. Wirksamkeit und Sicherheit eines neuen Vitex agnus castus-Präparates (Femicur Kapseln) bei der Behandlung des Prämenstruellen Syndroms. Abstractband Phytopharmakaforschung 2000, pp. 126-127; 1998. |
1998 |
64. Loch EG, Selle H, Boblitz N. Treatment of premenstrual syndrome with a phytopharmaceutical formulation containing Vitex agnus castus. J Womens Health Gend Based Med 9: 315-320; 2000. |
2000 |
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65. Loew D, Gorkow C, Schrödter A, Rietbrock S, Merz PG, Schnieders M, Sieder C. Zur dosisabhängigen Verträglichkeit eines Agnus castus-Spezialextraktes. Zeitschrift für Phytotherapie 17: 237-243; 1996. |
1996 |
66. Loew D. Aktualisiertes Wissenschaftliches Erkenntnismaterial zu "Vitex Agnus-castus" (Mönchspfeffer). Kooperation Phytopharmaka 1997. |
1997 |
67. Massil H, O'Brien PMS. Premenstrual syndrome. British Medical Journal 293: 1289-1292; 1986. |
1986 |
68. Meier B, Berger D, Hoberg E, Sticher O, Schaffner W. Pharmacological activities of Vitex agnus-castus extracts in vitro. Phytomedicine 7: 373-381; 2000. |
2000 |
69. Mergner R. Zyklusstörungen. Therapie mit einem Vitex-agnus-castus-haltigen Kombinationsarzneimittel. Der Kassenarzt 7: 51-60; 1992. |
1992 |
70. Merz PG, Gorkow C, Schrodter A, Rietbrock S, Sieder C, Loew D, et al. The effects of a special Agnus castus extract (BP1095E1) on prolactin secretion in healthy male subjects. Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 104: 447-453; 1996. |
1996 |
71. Meyl Ch. Therapie des prämenstruellen Syndroms. Therapeutikon 5: 518-525; 1991. |
1991 |
72. Milewicz A, Gejdel E, Sworen H, Sienkiewicz K, Jedrzejak J, Teucher T, et al. Vitex agnus castus extract in the treatment of luteal phase defects due to latent hyperprolactinemia. Results of a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind study. Arzneimittelforschung 43: 752-756; 1993. |
1993 |
73. Peters-Welter C, Albrecht M. Menstrual abnormalities and PMS. Vitex agnus-castus in a study of application. TherapieWoche Gynäkol 7: 49-52; 1994. |
1994 |
74. Propping D, Böhnert KJ, Peeters M, Albrecht M, Lamertz M. Vitex agnus castus. Therapeutikon 5: 581 ; 1991. |
1991 |
75. Rapkin A. A review of treatment of premenstrual syndrome and premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Psychoneuroendocrinology 28, suppl. 3: 39-53; 2003. |
2003 |
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76. Roeder D. Therapie von Zyklusstörungen mit Vitex agnus castus. Zeitschrift für Phytotherapie 15: 157-163; 1994. |
1994 |
77. Roemheld-Hamm B. Chasteberry American Family Physician 72:821-824; 2005. |
2005 |
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78. Samochowiec L, Glaesmer R, Samochowiec J. Einfluss von Möchspfeffer auf die Konzentration von beta-Endorphin im Serum weiblicher Ratten. Ärztezeitschr Naturheilverfahren 39: 213-215; 1998. |
1998 |
79. Schellenberg R. Treatment for the premenstrual syndrome with agnus castus fruit extract: prospective, randomised, placebo controlled study. BMJ 322: 134-137; 2001. |
2001 |
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80. Severino SK, Moline ML. Premenstrual Syndrome. Identification and Management. Drugs 49: 71-82, 1995. |
1995 |
81. Shuster J. Black cohossh root? Chasteberry tree? Seizures! Hospital Pharmacy 31: 1553-1554; 1996. |
1996 |
82. Sliutz G, Speiser G, Schultz AM, Spona J, Zeilinger R: Agnus castus extracts inhibit prolactin secretion of rat pituitary cells. Hormone Metabl Res 25: 253-255; 1993. |
1993 |
83. Steiner M, Haskett RF, Carroll BJ. Premenstrual tension syndrome: the development of research diagnostic criteria and new rating scales. Acta Psychiatr Scand 62: 177-190; 1980. |
1980 |
84. Sundblad C, Modigh K, Andersch B, Eriksson E. Clomipramine effectively reduces premenstrual irritability and dysphoria: a placebo-controlled trial. Acta Psychiatr Scand 85(1): 39-47; 1992. |
1992 |
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85. Sundblad C, Wikander I, Andersch B, Eriksson E. A naturalistic study of paroxetine in premenstrual syndrome: efficacy and side-effects during ten cycles of treatment. Eur Neuropsychopharmacol 7(3): 201-6; 1997. |
1997 |
Hämta här |
86. Turner S, Mills S. A double-blind clinical trial on a herbal remedy for premenstrual syndrome: a case study. Complement Ther Med 1: 73-77; 1993. |
1993 |
87. Upton R. Chaste tree fruit: Vitex agnus-castus: standards of analysis, quality control, and therapeutics. American Herbal Pharmacopoeia and Therapeutic Compendium, 2001. |
2001 |
88. Westphal LM, Polan ML, Trant As, Mooney SB. A nutritional supplement for improving fertility in women: a pilot study. J Reprod Med 49: 289-293; 2004. |
2004 |
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89. Wikander I, Sundblad C, Andersch B, Dagnell I, Zylberstein D, Bengtsson F, Eriksson E. Citalopram in premenstrual dysphoria: is intermittent treatment during luteal phases more effective than continuous medication throughout the menstrual cycle? J Clin Psychopharmacol 18(5): 390; 1998. |
1998 |
Hämta här |
90. Wuttke W. Dopaminergic action of extracts of Agnus Castus. Forschende Komplementarmedizen 3: 329-330; 1996 |
1996 |
91. Wuttke W, Gorkow Ch, Jarry H. Dopaminergic Compounds in Vitex Agnus Castus. In: Loew D, Rietbrock N, eds.: Phytopharmaka in Forschung und klinischer Anwendung. Steinkopf, Darmstadt, pp 81-91, 1995. |
1995 |
92. Wuttke W, Splitt G, Gorkow C, Sieder C. Behandlung zyklusabhängiger Brustschmerzen mit einem Agnus castus-haltigen Arzneimittel. Geburtsh und Frauenheilk 57: 4-14; 1997. |
1997 |
93. Wuttke W, Jarry H, Christoffel V, Spengler B, Seidlová-Wuttke D. Chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castus) - Pharmacology and Clinical indications. Phytomedicine 10: 348 - 357; 2003. |
2003 |
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94. Yonkers KA, Perlstein T, Rosenheck RA. Premenstrual disorders: bridging research and clinical reality. Arch Women Ment Health 6 (4): 287-92; 2003. |
2003 |
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95. Zwaving JH, Bos R. Composition of the Essential Fruit Oil of Vitex agnus castus. Planta Medica 62: 83-84; 1996. |
1996 |
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